This prototype tool allows you to search and analyze a wide range of historical facts with nice time and space visualization. Fact items are persons, events, places, buildings, artworks, species, planets, ideas, and anything that has a name. Let unexpected knowledge discoveries happen!
Fotoreproducties van geschilderde portretten en taferelen, Erche & Co., naar anoniem, ca. 1880 - in of voor 1885 Rijksmuseum.
Second Renaissance: we place humans in the center of learning, not machines
If you look for an easy answer, use AI. If you look for questions, use ReKisstory.
The School of Athens, Raffaello Santi, 1511 Stitched together from
Our Data Space is a Whole Spectrum of the Universe
New feature arrived this summer. You can now search items on a map with Geo Find
ReKisstory has many amazing fuatures like time duration search, lifetime bar chart, editable timeline, age calculation, aggregated coordinate points, and Data Mix. They are carefully crafted by an ex-archaeologist who now specailizes in Digital Humanities and Linked Data